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 Post subject: What activities does Animal Crossing have?
 Post Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2020 4:33 pm 

Joined: Thu Apr 09, 2020 9:46 am
Posts: 18
If you're looking for all the upcoming ANimal Crossing: New Horizons events, look no further. Below, you'll find a constantly updated list of all confirmed events happening in the game, so consider this your Animal Crossing: New Horizons calendar.
There are always regular events like monthly bug and fishing tournaments, but the game is still establishing when these events will lie - whether it's the second or third saturday of a month for example.
See below for all the confirmed upcoming ANimal Crossing: New Horizons events so far:
What is it? The only time period where the spring blossom blooms. Pretty, and creative!
Things to watch out for: There are a selection of Animal Crossing: New Horizons cherry blossom recipes to collect by popping floating balloons, which will all only be available during this season.
Hemisphere: North and South
What is it? The Animal Crossing: New Horizons Bunny Day event actually runs from April 1 - 12, but the actual Bunny Day - aka Easter Sunday - happens on Sunday April 12.
Things to watch out for: Zipper T. Bunny will gift anyone who collects all the Animal Crossing: New Horizons Bunny Day recipes, and you'll be able to find six types of Animal Crossing: New Horizons eggs dotted around the island, which you'll need to craft the aforementioned recipes.
Hemisphere: North and South
What is it? One of the originally confirmed Animal Crossing: New Horizons events is Earth Day. In real life, this event takes place on Animal Crossing Items April 22, so expect the same to happen in-game.
Things to watch out for: It's not clear what will happen on the day, but it will be run by Leif the Sloth, who used to run the Garden Centre in previous games.

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